4 rooms beating for a lifetime of Love

Iulia Rădulescu
2 min readJun 9, 2020
by Iulia Radulescu

I couldn’t find her a definition, at least not yet but here’s what I know:

she makes the most beautiful and humane sounds whether she’s filled up with love or drained and broken;

she’s intense and charged with desire, she ignites and aches and slows down in safe hands; she runs wild, free of your will;

she’s in sync with her most beloved one and beats peacefully when you rest asleep on your dear one’s chest;

she’s strong in her vulnerability, the perfect puzzle, the most refined mechanism one can easily break and hardly redo;

she fights entire wars with the brain and sometimes she wins, allowing you to spontaneously drown in feelings and liberation;

when she calls it quits, she hurts in silence, keeping everything buried deep down, becoming a fragile ticking bomb; and someday she will hurt someone too;

she gets stronger with every shared hug and soft, imprinted fingertips’ touch, every familiar scent;

she has the power to make you hold on a little longer or let go a bit too soon but you can always trust her; she’s like a little voice of reason reminding you to take the risk or lose the chance for that’s how she grows;

she needs you to allow her express herself and listen when in doubt;

she’s life and love and she’s there for you forever;

and you know who she is but I’ll let you do the guessing.

